Gradient Planning
Gradient Planning

Meet the Founder

Professional Profile

Kate Novick is Managing Director and founder of Gradient Planning LLC, a consultancy that helps effectively manage risk. Specifically, she helps to safeguard life safety, critical resources, cybersecurity, reputation, and operations from natural disasters, technological crises, and human-caused threats. She is a professional engineer in environmental engineering and a board-certified safety professional and has dedicated her life’s work to helping clients protect their mission during emergencies by engaging organizational culture to energize practices that actualize readiness, strength, and resilience. 

She is a water and wastewater industry leader in emergency management practices and co-led the creation of the 2011/2012 Water Research Foundation’s Business Continuity Toolbox for Water and Wastewater Systems. She served on the AWWA M19 Emergency Planning for Water Utilities Manual Committee and was featured as an expert on the AWWA Emergency Preparedness Response for Water Utilities DVD released in July 2018.

Her expert service over the past 24 years has been applied in many industries including federal, state, and local government organizations like the National Park Services and U.S. Navy; state and regional public health organizations; local towns and cities, critical infrastructure, and non-profits.


B.S. Civil Engineering, University of Connecticut, 1998

Hartford Seminary Woman’s Leadership Institute Certificate, 2006

Current Registrations

Certified Safety Professional, 17989

Registered Professional Engineer, CT PEN. 22982

Current Professional Committees

American Water Works Association Emergency Preparedness Standards Committee, 2009 - current

American Water Works Association Manual 19- Emergency Preparedness and Response Workgroup, 2011 – current

New England Water Works Association Emergency Preparedness and Security Committee, 2019 - current

Current Professional Associations

American Society of Safety Professionals

American Water Works Association

Association of Contingency Planners

Board of Certified Safety Professionals

InfraGuard Member

New England Water Works Association


Emergency Response Planning Drafted hundreds of emergency response plans for water and wastewater utilities, health districts, non-profits, and state and federal organizations. These plans follow best practices including the Incident Command System (ICS) and the National Incident Management System (NIMS), industry standards, and are designed to target actual risks and hazards that occur. These plans cover general incident management, crisis communications, hazard-specific procedures, and tools and information that can assist staff in taking quick and effective action during a real emergency. Also, provided staff training at many facilities to train staff in their roles and responsibilities under the emergency response plan.

Water and Wastewater Service Tabletop Exercises Designed and facilitated dozens of tabletop emergency exercises with leadership and management teams at water and wastewater utilities. These exercises often included representatives of local and regional health, local and regional emergency management, critical customers, regulators, and state and federal officials. The exercises resulted in a greater shared understanding of the emergency impacts to the water or wastewater utility, critical customers, regulators, the public, emergency response partners, and others. The exercises also provided the water and wastewater utility’s with a clear path to increased emergency preparedness with specific objectives to accomplish for continual improvement. The exercises benefited not only the water and wastewater utility but also representatives of partner organizations who participated.

Business Impact Analyses and Business Continuity Planning– Managed and developed many business continuity programs for water and wastewater utilities, towns, and state agencies. Specific clients include the South Central Regional Water Authority in New Haven, Connecticut; the Town of Southington Health Department; and the Maine Health and Human Services Drinking Water Program. This planning includes a business impact analysis. These programs were developed using International Standards Organization Standard 22301, Societal security — Business continuity management systems — Requirements; and British Standards Institute Standard 25999, Business Continuity Management, Version 2006. 

Business Continuity Tool for Water Sector- Kate Novick served as the Co-principle Investigator for the 2011/2012 Water Research Foundation project to develop tools for water and wastewater systems to conduct business continuity planning. This planning tool was developed based on best practices across industries and included strategies for small utilities. The tools are available at

Risk Assessments for Water and Wastewater Systems –Developed and facilitated several risk assessments for water and wastewater systems in accordance with the 2010 First Edition of the Risk Analysis and Management for Critical Asset Protection (RAMCAP) Standard for Risk and Resilience Management of Water and Wastewater Systems. The results are utilized to support and inform hazard mitigation and emergency planning activities at the utilities, so smarter and more effective decisions can be made.

Vulnerability Assessments and Emergency Response Plans for Community Water Systems –Developed and facilitated numerous risk and vulnerability assessments in accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act for public water supply systems including 7 systems owned by the U.S. Navy.  Drafted Emergency Response Plans that incorporated the findings of the risk and vulnerability assessment and complies with State Drinking Water Emergency Contingency Planning and OSHA Emergency Response Planning requirements. Risk assessment practice for community water systems complies with ANSI/ASME-ITI/AWWA J100 Standard since its first publication in 2010. Recommended risk mitigation measures address all-hazards and are prioritized based on how greatly they mitigate total risk.

Incident Management Planning– Developed incident management programs for clients in the water and wastewater sector, municipalities and non-profits including Foodshare, a food bank that serves northern Connecticut. Program development included all aspects of planning including risk assessment, risk mitigation and cost-benefit analyses, planning, and training. The project for Foodshare included the development of an emergency preparedness and response template for partner agencies including food pantries and soup kitchens across northern Connecticut. These programs were developed using NFPA 1600, Standard on Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity Programs; the National Incident Management System (NIMS); and well as industry standard guidance materials. 

Emergency Exercises – Designed and facilitated over 100 emergency exercises using federal guidance documents including the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP). Clients include but are not limited to the Maine Department of Health and Human Resources, Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition, the Town of Southington, Chesprocott Health District, and the South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority. The exercises involved multiple stakeholders from public, private, and non-profit agencies at all stages including exercise development, execution, and post-analysis. The exercise scenario for the Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition included severe drought in Connecticut to support water allocation planning and stakeholders included town first selectmen, representatives from local water utilities, the Connecticut Department of Public Health, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, local environmental groups, and others. Another exercise scenario for the Town of Southington consisted of community mitigation during late stages of an influenza pandemic with a focus on school closure to support the development of local school pandemic influenza preparedness plans. 

Regional Planning– Managed a project team that developed a regional emergency operations plan for the Central Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments. The plan integrated the emergency plans from the 13 stakeholders and followed the FEMA model for regional emergency operations plans, the Incident Command System (ICS), and the National Incident Management System (NIMS).


Regional Emergency Preparedness Assessment – In the spirit of increasing resiliency, strengthening emergency preparedness, and decreasing response and recovery times on college and university campuses, Ms. Novick led and managed a project that conducted a methodical compilation of best practices in emergency preparedness among the Connecticut Capital Region’s Emergency Support Function for Collegiate Service (RESF-21) member organizations. The project assessment report identified key recommendations for improvement, which are based on recognized national and international standards and documents.

Public Health Bioterrorism and Emergency Preparedness Planning – Since 2002, managed annual contracts to provide emergency planning consulting services to two public health departments in Connecticut. Consulting services included providing assistance and recommendations to coordinate the clients’ planning activities with state and regional activities while planning for local public health emergencies. Developed Public Health Bioterrorism and Emergency Preparedness Plans, Risk Communication Plans, and Mass Vaccination/Prophylaxis Plans. Developed and facilitated local and regional exercises for clients and other stakeholders to test the effectiveness of these plans. Exercise participants included representatives from local fire and police departments, town management offices, local health care institutions, neighboring towns and cities, and the Connecticut Department of Public Health.

Public Health Emergency Regional Planning – Drafted two sections (information sharing; and technology and laboratory capacity) of a regional Public Health Emergency Preparedness Plan. Interviewed and collaborated with local health departments in the region and representatives from the Connecticut Department of Public Health.

Hazardous Materials and Water Security Assessment for a Watershed – Managed a project for a large water department in New England that included a benchmarking study of seven large water systems in the Northeast Region, a security evaluation, and a watershed disaster assessment. Based on the findings of the assessment, the project team developed for the client a watershed hazardous materials response plan and a brochure on water security for public distribution.

Integrated Contingency Planning – Drafted approximately 20 Integrated Contingency Plans or Emergency Response Plans for the U.S. Navy, public water supply facilities, industries, hospitals, colleges and universities, and wastewater collection facilities. Plans included a combination of disaster preparedness planning, OSHA Emergency Response planning, oil SPCC planning, Coast Guard Facility response planning, hazardous waste contingency planning, and OSHA Hazard Communication planning, as applicable.

Environment and Safety Compliance Audits – Performed numerous multi-media compliance audits for colleges and universities throughout New England. Specialized in various EPA and OSHA regulations including oil Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC), Emergency Response Planning, Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, Hazard Communication Planning, Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, and Risk Management Planning.

Process Safety Management – Developed and maintained several PSM Programs at large food manufacturing plants and water treatment plants. Programs included hazard analyses, design evaluations, evacuation planning, employee training, managing changes to hazardous processes, investigating incidents, and determining and executing corrective actions. Ms. Novick is a certified PSM Auditor. She has drafted hundreds of standard operating and maintenance procedures for PSM Programs, and environmental management system programs. Focuses on creating comprehensive written procedures that are safe and operator-friendly.

Environmental Site Assessments – Worked on many site investigations under the Connecticut Transfer Act for industrial clients in Connecticut. Advised clients in business decisions when purchasing or selling an industrial property. Responsibilities included site reconnaissance, interviews with local, state and federal representatives; file reviews; performing sensitive receptor surveys, site assessments for the potential of significant environmental hazards; assisting Licensed Environmental Professionals in making determinations about site conditions; and documenting investigation findings.

Wastewater Permitting – Obtained many water permits including water discharge permits and water diversion permits from the Connecticut DEP for industrial and military clients.

Water Permitting – Completed a water diversion permit application and for a Connecticut industrial facility on the Naugatuck River, which resulted in the Connecticut DEP granting the permit to the facility. The application primarily consisted of a hydrogeologic report, environmental report, and a water conservation plan.

Community Water System Design Evaluation – Assisted in an engineering evaluation of a water distribution system located at the Submarine Base in Groton, Connecticut. Completion of this engineering evaluation resulted in the United States Congress awarding the Submarine Base $2M for future upgrades to the system.

Stormwater Design Evaluation – Performed engineering evaluation of dry-dock sedimentation basins at a shipyard in Connecticut.

Stormwater Management – Developed dozens of stormwater management plans and assisted several Connecticut industrial facilities in successful implementation of these plans.

Publications and Presentations

Novick, K., “Near Misses- Learning to Protect Ourselves and Our Utilities Better.” New England Water Environment Association, January 7, 2019,

Novick, K., “The Emergency Response Plan- Alone It’s Not Enough.” New England Water Environment Association, May 27, 2018,

 Novick, K., “Things We Think Can’t Happen Do.” New England Water Environment Association, March 16, 2018,

Novick, K. and Barsanti, J., “City of Framingham Water & Wastewater Systems- Emergency Preparedness, Risk Management, and Business Continuity Planning.” Presented at the New England Water Environment Association’s Annual Conference, January 28, 2019.

Novick, K., “The New Emergency Preparedness for Water and Wastewater Utilities.” New England Water Environment Association’s Journal, Fall 2018, pp. 22-28.

Novick, K., Interview. Conducted by American Water Works Association, June 2018,

Novick, K. and Nesci, S., “Ready for Anything- The New Science of Leadership and Service.” Presented at the New England Water Environment Association’s Annual Conference, Young Professionals Summit, January 21, 2018.

Novick, K., “Incident Management Planning.” Presented at the New England Water Environment Association’s Annual Conference, January 23, 2017.

Novick, K., “Comparison of Risk Assessment Tools.” Presented at the New England Water Environment Association’s Managing Risk and Resiliency Conference, April 26, 2016.

Novick, K., Flynn, J., “Can Business Continuity Planning Strengthen Utilities’ Preparedness and Resiliency.” Opflow, September 2015.

Novick, K., Flynn, J., “Strategic Business Continuity Planning- Reaching New Levels of Resiliency and Preparedness.” InFlow-Line, Fall 2014.

Novick, K., Flynn, J., “The Benefits of Business Continuity Planning.” Presented at the Connecticut Water Works Association Training Conference ATCAVE, Cromwell, CT, March 4, 2014.

Novick, K., Flynn, J., “The Benefits of Business Continuity Planning.” Presented at the Risk Management, Emergency Preparedness, and Business Continuity Planning for Water and Wastewater Utilities- Critical to Operations in these Demanding Times Symposium, Marlboro, MA, September 25, 2013.

Novick, K., “Why Invest in a Business Continuity Planning? An Introduction to the Benefits and a Roadmap to Get Started.” Presented at the Connecticut Water Works Association Training Conference ATCAVE, Cromwell, CT, February 27, 2013.

Novick, K., “Why Invest in Business Continuity Planning? An Introduction to the Benefits and a Roadmap to Get Started.” Presented at the Water Security Conference, Saint Louis, Missouri, September 11, 2012.


Novick, K., “Businesses Can’t Deny the Need to Grow More Resilient.” Connecticut Business and Industry Association Emergency Preparedness Forum, April 2012.

Novick, K. and Moyer, J., “Introducing a New Resource for Water and Wastewater System Business Continuity Planning.” American Water Works Association Journal, March 2012, Volume 104 Number 3.

Novick, K., “Businesses Can’t Deny Bad Things Do Happen.” Hartford Business Journal, November 14, 2011.

Novick, K. and Moyer, J., "An Update on Business Continuity Planning Guidance and Template Development." Presented at the Water Security Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, September 13, 2011.

Novick, K., "Development and Implementation of a Practical Business Continuity Plan." Presented at ATCAVE Water and Wastewater Information, Cromwell, Connecticut, February 23, 2011.

Novick, K., "Development and Implementation of a Practical Business Continuity Plan." Presented at the Water Security Congress, National Harbor, Maryland, September 19, 2010.

Novick, K. and Flynn, J., "Developing and Implementing a Business Continuity Plan- A Practical Approach." Presented at the Water Security Congress, Washington D.C., April 10, 2009.

Novick, K., "Preparing First Responders for a Flu Pandemic." Presented at the Blaine House Conference, Bangor, Maine, March 13, 2007.

Novick, K. and Sheehan, J., "Emergency Exercises - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly." Presented at a New England American Planning Association Annual Conference, New Haven, Connecticut, September 29, 2006.

Novick, K., “Uncovering a Path to Chemical Facility Security.” Presented at an American Society of Chemical Engineering New Haven Chapter Meeting, Milford, Connecticut, March 15, 2006.

Novick, K. and Long, M., “Perspectives on Emergency Preparedness from Connecticut and Beyond.” Presented at the Massachusetts Health Officer’s Association Annual Meeting, Hyannis, Massachusetts, November 2, 2005.

Novick, K. and Sheehan, J., “Emergency Response Plans.” Presented at the Connecticut Association of Water Pollution Control Authorities Annual Workshop, Rocky Hill, Connecticut, April 18, 2005.

Novick, K., Long, M., "Life After A Vulnerability Assessment." Presented at the Rhode Island League of Cities and Towns, Providence, Rhode Island, January 27, 2005.

Novick, K. and McGrath, B., “Emergency Response Planning Case Studies.” Presented at the American Water Works Association’s December 2003 Monthly Meeting, Randolph, Massachusetts, December 18, 2003.

Novick, K., Cherniak, M., and Reed, D., “The Rush to Meet Vulnerability Assessment Deadlines.” New England’s Environment, January/February 2003.

Novick, K., "Emergency Response Planning," Presented at the American Water Works Association's Security and Emergency Preparedness Workshop, Hartford, Connecticut, July 25, 2002.